Level 6 -30 - Precious Gems

The Precious Gems Programme

Following on from the Platinum Plus Course, Precious Gems will push you to work even harder on the pole, challenging you to improve your strength, poise and levels of determination. This course is purely tricks based and will teach you notoriously difficult moves such as the ‘Shoulder Mount Flip’ and make sure that you perfect them!

The second element to the Precious Gems Programme is a series of 2 week workshops that have been devised to help you polish up moves that you have been taught in previous courses and learn amazing new choreography that will polish up even the roughest of diamonds to a shine at a sparkling standard! There are workshops suitable for every level of Pussycat Poles students, so you are guaranteed to find that at least one of these two part sessions will help you improve your skills and evolve your dance technique.





6pm Monday 29th July 2024 Tunbridge Wells £110.00
6.30pm Thursday 1st August 2024 Sittingbourne £110.00
7:30pm Tuesday 6th August 2024 Maidstone £110.00
8pm Thursday 15th August 2024 Sevenoaks £110.00
7pm Thursday 15th August 2024 Sevenoaks £110.00